Sunday, November 22, 2009

5 weeks till Santa time

Between the rain (terrible flooding's) and wind (enough to blow some roof tiles off my house) i've been buckling down and making little Christmas cards and tags. I would take pictures and show you but my webcam has to much noise and doesn't really show anything with detail (i've a camera on my Christmas list!)
So when my mam asked me to make her a birthday card for a bingo buddy (oh lol) I jumped at the chance, While making this card I realised I cannot tie a bow to save my life, yes I can tie my shoes !! but making it look pretty, I cannot do.
Also, i need a Big Shot in my life, i'm fed up trying to cut perfect circles and ovals and failing miserably, even with my glasses on i can't seem to see that what looks close up to be an oval is actually a rectangle when I stand up and look at it (head desk)

So heres the B-day card. I'm still a major lover of layering. I got some pretty green brads from papermania recently MAJOR LOVE! Go lovely with my Papermania buttons and flowers, also green. Happy days!


Di's Dooodles said...

Great cards Lorraine :)